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Group of Like-minded Souls Reviving Ancient Wisdom.


Global Community of holistic living

Community Legacy

Celebrating 12 Years of Holistic Living and Parenting Wisdom.

Global Tribe

Join Our 50k+ Members from Across the Globe

Wisdom Vault

Explore 500+ Blogs on Timeless Holistic Practices.

Heritage on Your Plate

Discover 100+ Authentic Ancient Recipes for Wholesome Nourishment.

Sages & Seers

Connect with Experts in Astrology, Healing, and Spiritual Guidance.

Community Power

Empowering Through Volunteer-Driven Initiatives.

Build stronger and immune child with ancient ayurvedic and safe guard their future.

Learn the Ancient Healing Methods

Invest in the self-phased learning which will heal you and people around.

Indigenous Food and Recipes of India 

Rediscover the secrets of our ancestors recipes what fuels body and soul.

Build stronger and immune child with ancient ayurvedic and safe guard their future.

Karmic Essence Flower Healing

Heal your emotions from karmic pattern and past with flower essence.

Build stronger and immune child with ancient ayurvedic and safe guard their future.

Heal your emotions from karmic pattern and past with flower essence.

Build stronger and immune child with ancient ayurvedic and safe guard their future.

Understand the past, Unlock the future with expert Astrologers.

Community Legacy

Celebrating 12 Years of Holistic Living and Parenting Wisdom.

Global Tribe

Join Our 50k+ Members from Across the Globe

Wisdom Vault

Explore 500+ Blogs on Timeless Holistic Practices.

Heritage on Your Plate

Discover 100+ Authentic Recipes for Wholesome Nourishment.

Sages & Seers

Connect with Experts in Astrology, Healing, and Spiritual Guidance.

Community Power

Empowering Through Volunteer-Driven Initiatives.

Global Holistic Community in a planet

Upcoming Events

Embrace the magic of collective brilliance at our event!

How it all started like an island

About  Us

How It All Started

In 2012, a passionate collective of like-minded parents embarked on a journey to rediscover ancient wisdom. Their mission? To tackle everyday challenges with time-honored solutions and pave a future-proof path for generations to come.

What started as a simple gathering blossomed into a thriving community, fueled by the wisdom of our ancestors. As the years unfolded, our community evolved, weaving together a tapestry of services ranging from astrology to parenting, healing to natural indigenous foods, and beyond.


Join us as we unlock the secrets of the past to shape a brighter future. Together, we're redefining life's journey—one tradition, one solution, and one connection at a time. Embrace the wisdom of the ages and join our global family today.


Great Is More Than the
Sum of Its Parts

Join Us

Community, Where dreams unite and hearts belong.

Discover Purposeful Connections: Join Our Whatsapp Community Today! Engage in Blessing Groups, Expert Discussions, or Stay Updated with Announcements. Join the Discussion Group by Filling a Form, Authenticating Your Identity, and Become a Part of Our Family!

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Priyadarshini, Chennai

"I want to share my gratitude to the group and to all people from whom I have learnt so many valuable things and become a better person I have inculcated so many best practices in my day-to-day life.It all started after my son. I wanted to bring him up with the knowledge that our ancestors have gifted us.The right practices and traditions."

Savithri, US

"Grateful for the wealth of valuable suggestions shared by everyone here... I feel truly blessed to be a part of this group. Each day, I find myself learning so much from the wonderful messages contributed by all of you. Thank you once again, everyone."

Sandhya, Bangalore

"At first, I must admit, I perceived this group to be similar to many others, mainly centered around discussions on children's health, growth, and related matters - much like the usual parent forums. However, it didn't take long for me to recognize that this is, in fact, one of the most professionally managed and purpose-driven groups I've encountered."

Community Store



Hand Made

Farm to Home

Authentic Store for herbs, home remedies
Ancient wisdom blogs

Unravel the mysteries of ancient wisdom and uncover the underlying science.

Astrology Consultation Online offline based on vadic and tantric

Decode Your Past, Shape Your Future: Explore the Path Ahead.

Ayurvedic, and NaturoPathy Siddha Doctor consultation

Unlock Your Wellness Potential: Ayurvedic Consultation for Holistic Health.

Tebitian Mediation

Unlock the timeless at of inner peace with an ancient meditation practice."

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