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Art of Removing Drishti

  • 6 Steps
  • 38 Participants
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Drishti or Evil eye or Buri Nazar or Malocchio is something from which we must protect ourselves and the family. Almost all religions around the globe believe this phenomenon. As the name suggests, unprecedented or unpleasant events occur in our lives out of the blue with no possible reasoning when we are affected by the evil eye. A drishti or an eye-cast is the outcome of someone feeling jealousy or envy towards us; the consequences of these negative vibrations are generally substantial, and our life’s momentum is disturbed from its natural and smooth progress. Drishti creates a block in our life, and sometimes its worse effects are felt in all spheres of life. It is not only the people who are impacted by Drishti, but our business, house or food also faces the severity. A FEW CONSEQUENCES OF DRISHTI OR EVIL EYE CAN BE: Sudden illness Unnecessary or unexpected expenses Disruption of peace at home and workplace Babies cry continuously And the list goes on… This one day, Gurukul is aimed at learning the ancient ways to remove evil eyes and shield ourselves. THIS WORKSHOP COVER: Making of Drishti shield Various types of Drishti Who and when to remove it. Special Mantra to detox evil eyes

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