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Power of Peacock Feathers

  • 4 Steps
  • 24 Participants
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Every creation of Nature is fascinating. Be it living beings or non-living beings, everything has been created for a purpose. There lies wisdom beyond lifestyle practices and herbs and spices. One of the ignored and overlooked sources of wisdom is from the animal kingdom. Our ancestors were wise enough to decode and gather pearls of wisdom from them. It holds the significance of cows, fish, birds, and other pets. Birds symbolize spiritual growth. Amongst the birds, the feathers of a peacock play a pivotal role. Peacock feathers have a lot of hidden gems. It’s mesmerizing beauty, elegance, and enchantment has significant cultural aspects. It is celebrated as a holy symbol from ancient times. Do you know that Indra Dev hid (from Ravana) under peacock feathers for 1000 years? Or that some gurus use peacock feathers to pass their aura to their followers? Curious to know its hidden story and unique symbolism? Get to know more about the ‘Power of Peacock Feathers’ in our upcoming webinar where you will learn: Protect from evil spirits Fix Vaastu Doshas Remove blockages from financial income Shield your infants Improve relationships Heal from past-life patterns

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