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Incompatible Foods and Allergies

A proper food combination is vital for our health and overall well-being. According to Ayurveda, incompatible foods or Viruddha Ahara is a strong reason for many systemic disorders. Allergy is one of the toxic or side effects of consuming incompatible foods. However, the allergic reaction may not be evident in everyone on every occasion. There are many factors involved in the development of such reactions. But, it continues for a lifetime once you get affected.

Food as Medicine:

Before we dwell on the wrong food combinations, it is essential to understand how the different food combinations work. Because each food item is unique in terms of taste, potency and energy, when different food materials are used together, their effects can be additive, synergistic, or antagonistic.

Additive: Food combination leads to the sum of the effects of individual food component

Synergistic: Food combination leads to a larger effect than expected

Antagonistic: Food Combination leads to a smaller effect than expected.

Toxic: Food combination leads to toxic effects

Wrong Food Combinations:

Honey and Ghee (in equal quantity)

Cooked food with fruits

Milk with fruits

Curd with fruits (Mango Lassi or Smoothies??)

Milk products with greens (Palak Paneer)

Milk with sour, salt, astringent and bitter taste

Green leaf and ginger / dried ginger

Tender coconut water with cooked food

Water or hot water during the meal

Fermented rice with sesame oil

Black gram with sesame oil

Black gram with radish

Black nightshade with pepper / honey / palm jaggery

Millets with milk

Radish with milk/banana

Beans with fruits

Lemon with curds/milk

Milk is incompatible with bananas, cherries, melons, sour fruits and yogurt ( Think before taking milkshakes )

Home Remedies

Here is a compilation of affordable and accessible home remedies that will help combat Allergies

Take 2 pinches pepper powder + 4 pinches of turmeric powder mixed with ghee

Dosage: Once a day – early morning on an empty stomach

Take 2 cloves of Roasted garlic + 3 pinches of pepper powder with honey

Dosage: Before breakfast

Haridrakandam is one of the effective and trusted remedies for allergies

Dosage: 1 tsp daily

Panchakarma, the classic Ayurvedic detoxification treatment, also works wonders to remove allergy.

Let your journey for impeccable health begin today with compatible foods!!!
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