Greetings from Swarnaprashana Team,
The year 2017 has been a phenomenal year marked with many Aha moments with sparkles of Magical stardust. Yes…who doesn’t like a celestial upgrade !! The Swarnaprashana community birthed to build community-based holistic living and for the revival of indigenous practices, has created a fresh wave of change. The driving force ingrained with social impact has transformed organically into ‘Socio-spiritual’ platform and it touched many lives and families significantly.
“If what we cannot give socially, that we received can we uplift and heal other people !!”
The man behind this 5-year labor of love has always remained one among us and one serving us. He is the dreamer and the doer; planner and perfect executionist. The dawn of 2017 planted many fruitful desires on his visionary board and steps driven and strings pulled by the divine nature. The inner tussle made a loving inquiry, “If what we cannot give socially, that we received can we uplift and heal other people !!”. This brought forth a need to step into the limelight and blend his creative craftsmanship and the visionary leadership. Thus, Mr. Velu Jayaprakash, the founder of swarnaprashana community penned his title as Soul Coach and crafted a beautiful journey for the swarnaprashana family.

The year began with a skimming process. All the existing community members took the ANCIENT WISDOM TRANSFORMATION survey and only committed families joined us back. The response and the feedback were overwhelming. All the WhatsApp groups went through revamping and new groups were formed. With the new energies, the first webinar of the year was conducted. It was an intensive talk on Swarnaprashana by Mr.Velu to educate and empower all the new and existing parents. It was also a privilege that Mr.Velu was invited to give a talk at the National conclave on corporate social responsibility – Future perspectives in Chennai.

Earlier Sriram, a parent shared posts on herbal gardening. As a value addition, another blog was written by Hridya, a parent. This article Glory of gardening speaks about growing your own veggies as a necessary measure when the world is on the brink of natural disaster. Hridya shared her family experiences and how one gets to see the beauty of interdependence and sustenance in the ecosystem in our own backyard through elements of gardening.
HLP Store, our own community online organic produce shopping portal continues to grow and keeps up the practice of free salt donation. It brings us all fresh indigenous organic produce sourced directly from farmers and includes parentreneur’s ancient, natural home remedies. To share the same joy, Ruchi a parent has put up snacks stall made out of organic products received from HLP Store as part of republic day celebrations at her community.

Raising social awareness and responsibility is another initiative that adds a feather to the community works. When Tamilnadu was raging with Jallikattu issue, Velu, the founder has taken a firm stand and delved the truth behind the politics and the controversy around Jallikattu to the community to save this indigenous practice of India. Another burning issue was mandatory vaccination drive introduced by the Govt of Karnataka was a major concern to many parents. Heaps of knowledge sharing and myth busters disseminated in a marathon discussion among all the parents across the community. To help parents make an informed decision and to bring this to a logical conclusion backed by the expert’s advice, Mr. Velu in association with Dr. Selva shanmugan, a Siddha specialist & President, World Siddha trust, India had released a special footage only to educate our community parents with the due disclaimer. This timely guidance has helped many parents immensely.

Ishani, the parenting expert of our community facilitated Art of holistic living workshop in Udaipur. This is our first and one of a kind workshop to spread the wisdom and rare practices to people outside our community. Besides holistic living, the Meditation during the session helped many find their life purpose. Many have pledged towards the path to go chemical free and it was an eventful workshop.
Building a wisdom centric community space has been one of the primary focus of SWP community. Mr.Velu is a significant contributor to nurture this space. He shared precious wisdom and shed light on many topics/practices uplifting the quality of life of many families. To name a few:
Kala Sarpa dosha
Wedding anniversary
Cradle ceremony
Sabudhana: veg or nonveg
Rethinking thyroid
About vaccine changes and lifestyle changes
Understanding Shatavari and many more….
A dream project has come to life in March 2017. The first-ever holistic spiritual retreat to the divine abode of Siddhars, the Sathuragiri hills was announced. Only the divine love bestows the keys of knowledge. We at the parent community were bestowed with these divine blessings to envisage and execute this spiritual trip. It is the first time ever that a group of 50+ individuals ventured into this hill, the best part is most of the parents have seen each other for the very first time. The trust and credibility earned by the leader were evident as parents came forward knowing that the place lacks basic amenities and everyone’s bhakti, physical and mental strength would be put through a stringent test.
Few experiences shared by parents who undertook this life-transforming journey.
When our intentions are true, nature does miracles. This trip indeed was one such divinely orchestrated one where help n guidance blessed every step. A beautiful mango groove as the base camp, healthy organic food cooked with love, trekking along steep terrain of jagged rocks were just a few streaks of experiences on that auspicious Shana pradosham day. Many divine coincidences and signs were part of these journey along the bodhi caves, Pathanjali lingam, Naaval Ootru the pond with sacred waters laced with miraculous herbs till the summit at the Sundara and Santana Mahalingam temple. The descent was awaited with a fresh day where true to its essence, a talk by experts like traditional dinacharya by Dr. Selva shanmugan, Yoga Nidra by Yoga expert Mr.Ganesh and powerful kriya meditation by Mr.Velu were arranged as a learning bonanza. To etch everything eternally in the time capsule, drones were engaged and a documentary of the trip is captured. Thanku to all the divine souls who made this divine dream come true.
End of Part 1 of 3.