Bananas are undervalued by us here in India, but to the rest of the world, it holds a lot of importance. The scientific name for banana is Musa sapientum, which means “fruit of the wise men.” Since today is World Banana day, we wanted to share some of the amazing facts you should know about Bananas. Bananas are a rare example of fruit which has three genes from one of its parents, Musa acuminata. It confers the ability to produce fruit without the need for seeds. The word, Bana is of African origin, which means finger. The word was introduced by salves that were brought to the Americas from Africa. In India, it is called plantain. With the help of Alexander the Great, the fruits traveled to Europe and Spain. Later a Spanish missionary brought the fruit to America.
In a document, which is from 400 B.C, quoted in Sanskrit literature, which in the south was known as Sangam literature states that bananas were the only fruit permitted to Buddhists in those days. Furthermore, bananas were cultivated by ancient South Indian people who are once called Nagas.
Bananas originated in Southeast Asia, it was said to be the world’s most consumed food, in the previous times. It is one of the most common fruits all over the world. Not to mention it has twice the amount of nutrition than what can be obtained from an apple. Plus it doesn’t require any specific fertilizer or maintenance except water. Yes, water is the main source to cultivate Banana. Thus said, Banana will grow in all types of climate. It is one of a few fruits which is available throughout the year. No auspicius function or puja is complete without full grown banana plant. Banana plant is treated as god, cow in india.
Banana is one divine plant, that has various used to mother nature and mankind. Right from its root to flower, everything is a healing property. Eg. The roots has a micro-organisms, which can purity the impure or contimanited water. That is why in olden days, you will find Banana trees in backyard. where waste water of the house is directed to it, and the water is filtured and send into ground. Whats an amazing ecofriendly fore sight our ancestors had!
Type of Bananas in India – Originally more than 100 nati varieties of Banana were available in India however after the green revolution, most fo the nati varieties of banana weren destroyed and only a few varieties are now currently available. Below is the list of Nati Variety Bananas as follows:
Best time to Eat Banana
Sevvalai (red banana) – which is more nutritious, cultivated in 10 months. Anyone can eat. Especially good for Newly married couples. It helps in weight gain.

Mondham Palam (thoothukudi, Nagercoil belt) – King of Banana. Highest nutrition in a single banana than other nati banana varieties. For babies start from 2+ years old, they can give. Rich in fiber and easy digestion.
Nenthram Palam (Kerala) – Its a must take for Babies (2+) and those for neuro problems and constipation. In Kerala, the semi ripens fruit will be prepared as Kanji and given to infants to gain more weight. Must eat for all ages. The famous chips of kerala is made from this.

Matti Palam (North TN) – Rich in fiber and very rare to get.

Yelaki palam (krishnagiri, karnataka) – Very tasty, good for digestion.

Naatu vaalai – Very rare to get.

Then (honey) vaalai – Rich in fiber, reduces constipation.

Poo vaalai – Not recommended due to high sugar content. One of the oldest variety.

Rasthali – Very tasty with a good aroma.

Malai vaalai – Only produce in Hill stations. Rich in Nutrition and good for weight gain.
Sirumalai – A rare variety grows only in Sirumalai. Very tasty and rich in fiber. The famous Siddha Build Temple, Palani’s Panchamritham is made from this fruit, which has various preservative and curative property.
Karpooravalli – Very tasty and easily grown in many parts of South TN. Good for constipation and digestion.
It is recommended to eat on an empty stomach to get more benefits. Or else need to at least eat 1 hr before food or after 2hrs of food. You can also take tea time in the evening. Must avoid eating before sleep. Avoid eating Hybrid bananas.
Make sure the banana contains Seeds while you are eating. Eat daily one banana and stay healthy.
Thanks to its oil, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a mosquito bite (or another bug bite) or on poison ivy will help keep it from itching and getting inflamed.
If you rub the inside of a banana peel on a scrape or burn, it will help the pain go away, keep the swelling down, and keep the wound from getting infected.
If you rub the inside of a small piece of the banana peel on a wart every night (or tape a piece of peel over the wart), the potassium in the peel can make the wart disappear in one to two weeks.
If you tape a banana peel over a splinter, the enzymes help the splinter work its way out of your skin (and also heal the wound).